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What Outreach Means to Monarch

Our heart for outreach at Monarch goes beyond what most people would typically consider outreach. There will be times that meals are provided and clothes are given but relationship is our focus. Our goal is to build trust, build relationships, bring freedom through sharing the gospel and to make disciples.  We have seen that there is great power in obedience, and in doing what the Lord has asked us to do in His word.


Our heart is to listen to the Holy Spirit and go where He sends us.  By faith, and through what we’ve already experienced, we trust that He will lead us to where He wants us to go, who He wants us to outreach to and how He wants to use us to express His heart and provision for each individual. This looks vastly different depending on who the Lord leads us to minister to but the gospel is never compromised, the name of Jesus is spoken boldly and His love is fully displayed .

How we do outreach

Prayer, worship, and releasing God’s word. 

Prayer and worship are powerful weapons. We go to different parts of our city and pray, worship, or read His word aloud according to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. The Lord laid His life down and sacrificed His life for us. He deserves our every breath. No matter what life looks like for us personally or for those around us, Our King is always worthy of our praise! Our prayer is ALWAYS, Lord, we desire to do your will, please use us.  



Seek and find the lost 

This always begins with prayer. We pray and seek the Lord for His will, and we don’t move until He tells us to go. 


We may go to different places during an outreach time or spend all of our time in one particular location. We observe the goings on in that place looking for the known lost. We build relationships with the people that He leads us to, and with the intention of building trust and open communication with those in the community.  



Connect with homeless youth and youth that are on the streets and/or caught up in street culture 

As we go on outreach, we are always mindful of the youth in our community. We are always aware of the surroundings and where they are gathering or “hanging out.” We will continuously go back to those places looking for an opportunity to build relationships, pray for and speak life into each youth that the Lord leads us to. We look to identify those who may being trafficked and report to the proper authorities.  



Work to build healthy and trusted relationships 

We look to build healthy relationships with anyone and everyone. This is in our personal lives, at church, on the streets, and with each other. This is vital for outreach. We are called to look like Jesus. There have been so many people, young and old, who have been hurt by someone claiming to be a Christian or in the church community. We have personally had many encounters where the person we are building a relationship with has been abused in horrendous ways by someone that was in the church culture but did not have an authentic relationship with Jesus. We feel strongly about building healthy and trusted relationships in all areas of our lives, not just outreach. We must be people of integrity. Looking like our Heavenly Father. We are called to be disciples who make disciples. This requires us to live like Jesus. 



Connect youth and adults with resources in the community that will help them into a new healthier situation. 

Monarch has worked hard to build healthy personal relationships and partnerships in our community. We work with many different individuals, ministries, and organizations that have the same heart as we do. Those who feel called to lead people to a place of relationship with Jesus and absolute freedom. We are called to be Kingdom minded and are faithful to keep this at the forefront of our minds when establishing partnerships with others in our community.  



Build communities of people that will wrap around, walk alongside and support youth that are alone and without a family 

We are Kingdom-minded which means that loving people and building the Kingdom of God is more important than building a name for ourselves or a particular church. We work closely to build relationships with our local churches that have a Kingdom mindset. Jesus was very relational, and loving people well was valuable to Him as it is to us.  

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